Bleeding Valley

1 min read
Author: Sadaf Khan
Author: Sadaf Khan


You are a million old

I didn’t see your birth


I heard about your beauty

I heard about the love you give to others

I heard about the soothing ruido of lakes

I heard about the soothing ruido of snowflakes.

Then why tell me why

Why now everybody let you to cry

Why now everybody let you to die

Why now there is no helping hand for you.

I do remember the tales of your life

As how you used to smile

How you used to live

As how everybody took care of you around the world

Then why tell me why

Why now nobody cares for you

Why now everybody let you to spoil

Why you are being crushed

Why your beauty is being demolished

Why your loved ones, the daughters and the sons are being snatched.


You are lost somewhere

We just hope for your rebirth,

As your rebirth is our birth.

The author is class 12th student from St. Joseph School, Baramulla

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